venerdì 6 marzo 2015

del 7 marzo

Saints hiéromartyrs évêques de Chersone (aujourd'hui Sébastopol) en Crimée: EPHREM, BASILE, EUGENE, AGATHODORE, CAPITON, ETHERIUS et ELPIDIUS (IV ème siècle). (En fait, il semble que saint Ephrem ait accompli son martyre en 304 en tant qu'évêque de Tomis, aujourd'hui Constanta en Roumanie.) (Office traduit par le père Denis Guillaume au tome III des Ménées.)

Troparion — Tone 5

Since You have given given us the miracles of Your Holy Hieromartyrs of Cherson as an invincible rampart, / foil the machinations of the ungodly, O Christ our God, / and strengthen the faith of the Orthodox Christians, / for You are good and love mankind.

Kontakion — Tone 2

The radiant day of the hierarchs and pastors in Cherson has dawned! / Let us sing hymns for the feast of those who suffered for the sheep of Christ! / Hieromartyrs, entreat Christ, the chief Shepherd, that He may number us with the sheep on His right hand, / so that we may cry aloud to you: / Rejoice, holy fathers, for you shed your blood for Christ
Saints ARCADE et NESTOR, évêques de Trimithonte en Chypre.


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